
Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Funny Story

Well, none of you reading this probably don't know it, but I have a fear of clowns. Yes, go on, laugh at my demise. Anyway, this "fear" of mine really hit me hard today when my dad deemed it necessary to scare the holy fucking hell out of me in the morning. He taped a scary clown doll with bloody lips and a disfigured visage onto the wall next to the bed I was sleeping on. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was this hellish object, and I proceeded to scream like a bitch. I then fell off my bed and hit my head in three different places. The worst part, I saw my dad laughing in the corner with a camera in his hand. I have no doubt this is going to be all over the web within 10 minutes. Thanks for the support, dad.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Keep Up The Bad Work!

Today I was working my shift at the reception desk at one of our community hospitals. No, I don't do it for money, but rather volunteer hours. So basically, I was kicking serious ass at this job, answering phone calls and questions like a boss. I was feeling like the king of the world, simply because it was my third attempt at the job and I felt like I was the god of receptionism (is that even a word?). However, life is a bitch, and always seems to creep up on me to ruin the great day I was having. Out of nowhere, this nasty ass man, smelling of ass, comes up to the reception desk, and says,"Keep up the bad work!" I stood there in wonder, as I couldn't believe my motivation just got kicked off its' horse by a fucking hobo. Thanks for ruining my day.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today, I was walkin' back from a friends house after playing 5 hours of utter kickass cod, when out of nowhere comes a blue ball of liquid pain and splats right on the road in front of me. My initial reaction was to turn around and find the little fucker, but I realized that getting hit in the face by paintballs is extremely painful. I took plan B and ran. Yes, don't rub it in my face that I'm a pussy. Within 3 seconds of this, I felt a searing pain in my back, like somebody 5-starred me with a fucking knife strapped to their palm. I faceplanted right into the gravel. I was then surrounded by little 12 year olds with paintball guns and got the shit shot out me. I came home that day, covered in paint, officially paint-falled. I spent the rest of that day scheming something devious to get back at the little bastards.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Hi. I like trains. This is my blog. I'm probably gonna post all my fails, mishaps, and random shit that happens to me on here, just cause I feel like it. If you got a problem, get tossed.