
Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today, I was walkin' back from a friends house after playing 5 hours of utter kickass cod, when out of nowhere comes a blue ball of liquid pain and splats right on the road in front of me. My initial reaction was to turn around and find the little fucker, but I realized that getting hit in the face by paintballs is extremely painful. I took plan B and ran. Yes, don't rub it in my face that I'm a pussy. Within 3 seconds of this, I felt a searing pain in my back, like somebody 5-starred me with a fucking knife strapped to their palm. I faceplanted right into the gravel. I was then surrounded by little 12 year olds with paintball guns and got the shit shot out me. I came home that day, covered in paint, officially paint-falled. I spent the rest of that day scheming something devious to get back at the little bastards.

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